NFL Head Health Tech Awarded to NAMA Devlopment

Today's football helmets are products of engineering and design that can take years to innovate, test, optimize and manufacture. The NFL Helmet Challenge aims to dramatically accelerate that timeline.

The NFL Helmet Challenge is the league's most ambitious crowdsourcing competition yet, bringing millions of dollars and the league's data and resources to bear to stimulate experts, innovators and helmet manufacturers to develop a revolutionary new football helmet that performs better than anything currently worn in the NFL.

To encourage broad participation in the Helmet Challenge, the NFL recently awarded more than $1 million in HeadHealthTECH grant funding to support four teams of innovators in the design and development of their helmet prototypes for submission to the Helmet Challenge.

The awardees – Impressio, Inc./CU Denver, Xenith Project Orbit, the Kollide consortium and UVA/Nama Development/Topologica, Inc. – each pull together the wide breadth of expertise from biomechanical engineering to materials science to additive manufacturing needed to tackle this challenge…

Link to full article.


Mechanical Metamaterials in nature (Magazine)